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eFax Plus & Pro 7 Most Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I open a received fax?
  2. What is eFax Mesenger?
  3. Why do I get the warning "unsafe attachment".
  4. I can't login to change my settings.
  5. What's the difference between eFax Free, eFax Plus and eFax Pro?
  6. How do I make sure that faxes were sent?
  7. How do I open my faxes with a Mac computer?

eFax Free 4 Most Frequently Asked Questions


eFax Plus & Pro FAQ


Viewing Faxes & Account Set Up

1. How do I open my faxes?

As an eFax Plus customer, you have the option to open your messages two ways. You can open your faxes through your email or you can login to your eFax Plus account and retrieve your faxes through eFax Message Center.

Opening faxes through your email.

  1. Login to your email.
  2. Open the email from
  3. Double-click on the attachment.
  4. The file should open automatically.
  5. These attachments are sent to you as .EFX graphic files. EFX files can only be opened with eFax Messenger software. To download eFax Messenger, please visit the download page at

Opening faxes through eFax Message Center.

  1. Login to your account at
  2. Click on the link that says "eFax Message Center."
  3. Any faxes that you have received in the last seven days will be stored in Message Center.
  4. To open a fax, double-click on the subject line. Open the fax by clicking on the file name at the bottom of the screen. Once the fax is open, you can click the Download button and save the fax to your computer.

2. How do I download and install eFax Messenger?

Windows 98/2000/XP

To download eFax Messenger, please visit the download page.

Click on the Download button.

When prompted, click Save and select Desktop as the location of the download.

When the download is complete, locate the file msgrplus.exe on your desktop.

Double-click on the file msgrplus.exe. eFax Messenger will begin to install.

Once installation is complete, the User Information screen will appear. Complete the form with your eFax number and PIN. Click OK.

To download and install eFax Messenger for Mac:

Go to the eFax download page and click on Download Messenger for Macintosh (efaxsetup3.dmg.) Once efaxsetup.dmg is downloaded, double-click on the file and drag the eFax Messenger icon to your applications folder.


3. Why do I get the error message "Outlook Express removed access to the following unsafe attachments in your email"?

This error is caused by a security setting in Outlook Express 6. To disable the blocking option, please follow the instructions below:

From the Outlook Express menu, click Tools, then Options.

On the Security Tab, uncheck the box that says, "Do not allow unsafe attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus."

Click OK.

For more detailed information, please visit


4. I was sent a multi-page fax but I can only see one page. Where are the other pages?

If you are viewing your faxes in an Imaging application or Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, you may only see one page but you can skip through the pages easily. Please find the box on the Imaging toolbar that contains the page number. Simply click the arrows to skip forward or back through your fax.

If you are viewing your faxes in eFax Messenger, you can skip through the pages of your fax at the bottom of the screen.


5. How do I open my faxes on a Mac computer?

As an eFax Plus customer, you can open your faxes two ways.

  1. Your faxes are sent to you as an email attachment to the email address on your account. Click on the attachment in the email message from eFax and your faxes should open automatically in Preview.
  2. Your faxes are sent to Message Center. Login to your account, click Message Center and you will be able to view all of your faxes received within the last seven days. You can read your faxes, save your faxes or forward them to a separate email address (es). When you open the file attachment, preview will automatically open. You will see the first page of your fax in the main window. If you would like to view the other pages click Drawer to view the thumbnails.

6. Why did I get the error message "Failed to open document"?

If you received an error while opening your faxes, the file may not have been sent through your email correctly. If you receive this error, please do the following:

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Click on the link that says "Message Center."
  3. Find the fax you were unable to open through your email. Open the fax by clicking on the subject line.
  4. You can open the attachment by clicking on the file name at the bottom of the window or you can download the fax to your computer by clicking on the Download button.

The file should open with no error.


7. Why is the quality of my received fax message so poor?

The fax message you receive is identical to what was sent by the sender of the fax. If the quality of your fax is poor, it is likely a problem on the sender's end. Please have the sender resend the fax using a higher resolution on their fax machine, such as Photo Mode.


Receive / Send Faxes

8. Someone sent me a fax. Why haven't I received it?

There are a few reasons you may not be receiving your fax messages.

Your email provider is experiencing problems: Occasionally, your email provider can experience problems sending certain files through to your email. Because your faxes are sent to your email as attachments, this may cause a problem with delivery.

If this problem occurs, you can login to your eFax Plus account and click the link that says "eFax Message Center."You can read all of the faxes you have received in the last seven days in Message Center. You can also save your faxes or forward them to a separate email address.

The sender has the wrong fax number: Occasionally a sender will send to the wrong fax number. If you have not received a fax you were expecting, please have the sender recheck the number.


9. How can I receive fax messages from foreign countries?

If someone outside of the country would like to send you a fax, have him or her follow the instructions as follows:

For UK fax numbers: the person faxing you needs to drop the local dialing code of "0" and they need to add the country code of "44".

The number 020 7555 1234 would become 442075551234. They will also need to enter the international dialing code before they enter the number. If the sender does not know the international dialing codes please have them contact their local phone carrier.

For fax numbers in SPAIN: the person faxing you needs add the country code of "44".

The number 91 755 123 would become 3491755123. They will also need to enter the international dialing code before they enter the number. If the sender does not know the international dialing codes please have them contact their local phone carrier.

For fax numbers in FRANCE: the person faxing you needs to drop the local dialing code of "0" and they need to add the country code of "33".

The number 01 44 55 12 34 would become 331440551234. They will also need to enter the international dialing code before they enter the number. If the sender does not know the international dialing codes please have them contact their local phone carrier.

For fax numbers The Netherlands: the person faxing you needs to drop the local dialing code of "0" and they need to add the country code of "31".

The number 020 555123 would become 3120555123. They will also need to enter the international dialing code before they enter the number. If the sender does not know the international dialing codes please have them contact their local phone carrier.

For GERMAN fax numbers: the person faxing you needs to drop the local dialing code of "0" and they need to add the country code of "49".

The number (0) 40 55 12 34 would become 4940551234. They will also need to enter the international dialing code before they enter the number. If the sender does not know the international dialing codes please have them contact their local phone carrier.

A table of international dailing codes is avaible by clicking here.


10. How do I know when someone sends me a fax message?

When someone sends you a fax message, an email is sent to the email address on your account from There is no guessing when you have a fax.

When you check your email, you will see all the faxes that have been sent. If you view your faxes in eFax Message Center, you can have Message Center automatically refresh every 10-30 minutes. To change this setting, click on the drop down on the right-hand side of the screen that says "Refresh Faxes."


11. Why is my eFax number busy or not answering?

If someone is unable to send faxes to your eFax number, please ensure that the sender is dialing the correct number and they are prefacing the number with the required dialing codes. Please remember that numbers beginning with 0870, 0871 or 0845 may not be able to receive faxes from senders outside of the United Kingdom.

If your eFax number is working but a particular caller can not reach you, the caller may have a problem with their local or long-distance phone carrier.

If all else fails, dial the number yourself. If you can connect to the number, anyone should be able to connect and send a fax to you.

If your number is unreachable from all areas, we may be experiencing a temporary problem. It is likely that our Operations team has already been made aware of the issue and you can expect it to be resolved shortly. However, if you are experiencing a prolonged outage that is not listed on our System Status page ( please contact Customer Service:


12. Can I have a fax that is in my activity log resent?

If you have deleted a fax you received through your email but you would still like to access the file, please login to your account at and click the link that says "eFax Message Center." Message Center allows you to open, save or forward via email any faxes you have received within the last seven days.


13. Can anyone send me a fax or must they be eFax subscribers?

When someone sends a fax to your eFax account they do not need to be an eFax subscriber.


14. Can I reply to a fax message I received?

Your faxes are sent to your email from If you click "Reply" in the email you received from eFax, the message will be sent back to eFax as undeliverable.

If you would like to send a response to the fax you received, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Make any necessary changes to the file and attach it to a new outgoing email message.
  2. In the "To:" field, enter the recipients fax number including country code, city code and fax number
  3. For example, if you wanted to send to the UK fax number (0)20 7555 1234 you would do the following:
    • Drop the "0".
    • Add the country code (44 for the UK). For a complete list of country codes please click here.
    • Add

The UK number (0)20 7555 1234 would be written

Enter the text of your cover page in the body of the email and click Send.

For examples, see FAQ number 15 below.


15. Can I send fax messages?


16. How do I send a fax through my email?

To send a fax through your email, please follow the directions below:

  1. Open an outgoing email message. In the To: field, enter the recipients fax
  2. For example, to send to the UK number (0)20 7555 1234, you would enter
  3. For a complete list of Country Codes, please click here.
  4. Attach the file(s) you would like to send to the email.
  5. The body of the email works as your cover page. If you would like to include a cover page, please enter the text in the body of the email message.
  6. Click Send.
  7. Once the fax has been sent, you will receive a Send Receipt via email confirming transmission.



17. How do I send a fax through eFax Messenger?

If you would like to send a fax using eFax Messenger, please ensure that the application is installed on your machine. If it is not, please see the instructions above to download and install eFax Messenger.

  1. To send a fax, click on the Compose Fax icon on your Desktop.
  2. Enter the recipient's Name and Company, if applicable.
  3. Click on the Country Code dropdown and select the country you would like to send the fax to.
  4. Example: To send a fax to the UK, you would select United Kingdom (44). For a complete list of Country Codes, please click here.
  5. Enter the recipient's fax number. Please do not include any local dialling codes, such as "0" for the UK.
  6. Enter the desired text for the cover page.
  7. At the bottom of the page, click Attach and select the file(s) you would like to send.
  8. When you have completed the steps above, click Send Fax on the eFax Messenger toolbar at the top of the page.

For other examples:


18. How to send a fax from


19. How do I type a French fax number if I am in France?

Faxing via email:

  1. Drop the "0".
  2. Add the country code (33 for France).
  3. Add
  4. If you wanted to send to the French number 01 44 55 12 34, for instance, you would type

Faxing via eFax Messenger:

  1. Select France (33) in the country pull-down.
  2. Please make sure to drop the "0" from the number.
  3. 01 44 55 12 34 becomes 33144551234.

Sending a fax from

  1. Drop the "0".
  2. Add the country code (33 for France).
  3. 01 44 55 12 34 becomes 33144551234.

20. How do I type an International fax number if I am in France?

Faxing via email:

  1. Add the country code (1 for the US). For a complete list of Country Codes, please click here.
  2. Do not include an international dialling prefix.
  3. Keep the area code or city code (in the example below, 212).
  4. Drop any spaces or non-numeric characters.
  5. Add
  6. The number 1 (212) 555-1234 becomes

Faxing through eFax Messenger:

  1. Select the fax destination country from the country pull-down (United States (1).) For a complete list of Country Codes, please click here.
  2. Keep the area code or city code (212 in the example below.)
  3. For the US fax number (212) 555-1212 you would type 2125551212.

Note: You do not need to add the country code. Messenger adds it automatically when you choose the country.

Sending a fax through

  1. Add the Country Code (1 for the US.) For a complete list of Country Codes, please click here.
  2. Do not include an international dialling prefix such as (00).
  3. Keep the area code and city code (212 in the example above.)
  4. Drop any spaces or non-numeric characters.

For the US fax number (212) 555-1212, you would type 12125551212


21. How do I type a German fax number if I am in Germany?

Faxing via email:

  1. Drop the "0".
  2. Add the country code (49 for Germany).
  3. Add
  4. If you wanted to send to the German number (0) 40 55 12 34, for instance, you would type

Faxing via eFax Messenger:

  1. Select Germany (49) in the country pull-down.
  2. Please make sure to drop the "0" from the number.
  3. (0) 40 55 12 34 becomes 4940551234.

Sending a fax from

  1. Drop the "0".
  2. Add the country code (49 for Germany).
  3. (0) 40 55 12 34 becomes 4940551234.

22. How do I type an International fax number if I am in Germany?

Faxing via email:

  1. Add the country code (1 for the US). For a complete list of Country Codes, please click here.
  2. Do not include an international dialling prefix.
  3. Keep the area code or city code (in the example below, 212).
  4. Drop any spaces or non-numeric characters.
  5. Add
  6. The number 1 (212) 555-1234 becomes

Faxing through eFax Messenger:

  1. Select the fax destination country from the country pull-down (United States (1).) For a complete list of Country Codes, please click here.
  2. Keep the area code or city code (212 in the example below.)
  3. For the US fax number (212) 555-1212 you would type 2125551212.

Note: You do not need to add the country code. Messenger adds it automatically when you choose the country.

Sending a fax through

  1. Add the Country Code (1 for the US.) For a complete list of Country Codes, please click here.
  2. Do not include an international dialling prefix such as (00).
  3. Keep the area code and city code (212 in the example above.)
  4. Drop any spaces or non-numeric characters.

For the US fax number (212) 555-1212, you would type 12125551212


23. How do I type a Dutch fax number if I am in the Netherlands?

Faxing via email:

  1. Drop the "0".
  2. Add the country code (31 for the Netherlands).
  3. Add
  4. If you wanted to send to the Dutch number 020 5551234, for instance, you would type

Faxing via eFax Messenger:

  1. Select the Netherlands (31) in the country pull-down.
  2. Please make sure to drop the "0" from the number.
  3. 020 5551234 becomes 31205551234.

Sending a fax from

  1. Drop the "0".
  2. Add the country code (31 for the Netherlands).
  3. 020 5551234 becomes 31205551234.

24. How do I type an International fax number if I am in the Netherlands?

Faxing via email:

  1. Add the country code (1 for the US). For a complete list of Country Codes, please click here.
  2. Do not include an international dialling prefix.
  3. Keep the area code or city code (in the example below, 212).
  4. Drop any spaces or non-numeric characters.
  5. Add
  6. The number 1 (212) 555-1234 becomes

Faxing through eFax Messenger:

  1. Select the fax destination country from the country pull-down (United States (1).) For a complete list of Country Codes, please click here.
  2. Keep the area code or city code (212 in the example below.)
  3. For the US fax number (212) 555-1212 you would type 2125551212.

Note: You do not need to add the country code. Messenger adds it automatically when you choose the country.

Sending a fax through

  1. Add the Country Code (1 for the US.) For a complete list of Country Codes, please click here.
  2. Do not include an international dialling prefix such as (00).
  3. Keep the area code and city code (212 in the example above.)
  4. Drop any spaces or non-numeric characters.

For the US fax number (212) 555-1212, you would type 12125551212


25. How do I type a Spanish fax number if I am in Spain?

Faxing via email:

  1. Add the country code (34 for Spain).
  2. Add
  3. If you wanted to send to the Spanish number 91 755 123, for instance, you would type

Faxing via eFax Messenger:

  1. Select Spain (34) in the country pull-down.
  2. 91 755 123 becomes 91755123.

Sending a fax from

  1. Add the country code (34 for Spain).
  2. 91 755 123 becomes 3491755123.

26. How do I type an International fax number if I am in Spain?

Faxing via email:

  1. Add the country code (1 for the US). For a complete list of Country Codes, please click here.
  2. Do not include an international dialling prefix.
  3. Keep the area code or city code (in the example below, 212).
  4. Drop any spaces or non-numeric characters.
  5. Add
  6. The number 1 (212) 555-1234 becomes

Faxing through eFax Messenger:

  1. Select the fax destination country from the country pull-down (United States (1).) For a complete list of Country Codes, please click here.
  2. Keep the area code or city code (212 in the example below.)
  3. For the US fax number (212) 555-1212 you would type 2125551212.

Note: You do not need to add the country code. Messenger adds it automatically when you choose the country.

Sending a fax through

  1. Add the Country Code (1 for the US.) For a complete list of Country Codes, please click here.
  2. Do not include an international dialling prefix such as (00).
  3. Keep the area code and city code (212 in the example above.)
  4. Drop any spaces or non-numeric characters.
  5. For the US fax number (212) 555-1212, you would type 12125551212

27. How do I type a UK fax number if I am in the UK?

Faxing via email:

  1. Drop the "0".
  2. Add the country code (44 for the UK).
  3. Add
  4. If you wanted to send to the UK number (0)20 7555 1234, for instance, you would type

Faxing via eFax Messenger:

  1. Select the United Kingdom (44) in the country pull-down.
  2. Please make sure to drop the "0" from the number.
  3. (0)20 7555 1234 becomes 442075551234.

Sending a fax from

  1. Drop the "0".
  2. Add the country code (44 for the UK).
  3. (0)20 7555 1234 becomes 442075551234

28. How do I type an international fax number if I am in the UK?

Faxing via email:

  1. Add the country code (1 for the US). For a complete list of Country Codes, please click here.
  2. Do not include an international dialling prefix.
  3. Keep the area code or city code (in the example below, 212).
  4. Drop any spaces or non-numeric characters.
  5. Add
  6. The number 1 (212) 555-1234 becomes

Faxing through eFax Messenger:

  1. Select the fax destination country from the country pull-down (United States (1).) For a complete list of Country Codes, please click here.
  2. Keep the area code or city code (212 in the example below.)
  3. For the US fax number (212) 555-1212 you would type 2125551212.

Note: You do not need to add the country code. Messenger adds it automatically when you choose the country.

Sending a fax through

  1. Add the country code (1 for the US.) For a complete list of Country Codes, please click here.
  2. Do not include an international dialling prefix such as (00).
  3. Keep the area code and city code (212 in the example above.)
  4. Drop any spaces or non-numeric characters.
  5. For the US fax number (212) 555-1212, you would type 12125551212.

29. How can I make sure the faxes I sent were successful?

When you send a fax you will receive a Send Receipt to your email confirming transmission. You also can Log into your account and view send activity log


30. How can I make sure the faxes I sent were successful?

When you send a fax you will receive a Send Receipt to your email confirming transmission. You also can Log into your account and view the send activity log.


31. Can I resend a fax?

Yes. If you sent the fax through your email, the outgoing message should be saved in your Sent Items.

If you sent the fax through eFax Messenger 4.0, open eFax Messenger and click the link that says, "View the Sent faxes."

Click on the fax and a new template containing the previous recipients and the files you attached will open.

Click the Resend Fax button on the eFax Messenger toolbar at the top of the screen. The compose fax window will show again and you will need to send the fax. New attachments or more recipients can be added at this time.


32. Why did I get an error message that said that my email address is not registered for this service?

This error occurs when a user sends a fax from an email address that is not registered for sending faxes. If you have received this error, please follow the directions below:

  1. Login to your eFax account.
  2. Click on Preferences.
  3. Click on the Send Options tab.
  4. Please make sure that the email address you would like to send from is listed in the Send Addresses field.
  5. If you need to add a Send email address, please enter the email address in the Add Send Address field and click Add.

Log In & PINs

33. I cannot login to change my settings.

To login to change your settings go to:

You'll be asked for your eFax number (starts with international access code, e.g. +44 20 7555 1234) and your PIN. If you have forgotten your eFax number or PIN, use this link: Enter the information requested and click Submit. You will be sent your login information in a separate email message.


34. Can you send my eFax number/PIN?

If you do not remember your eFax number and/or PIN, please go to, enter the information requested and click Submit. You will be sent your login information in a separate email message.


Preferences & Settings

35. How can I change my PIN?

To change your PIN, please login to your account at and go to Profile and click "Change PIN".


36. How do I change the email address on my account?

On an eFax Plus account there are three places you can update your email address.

Contact email address. The contact email address is located under Profile. This email address will receive any emailed updates concerning the account.

Inbound email addresses. You can receive faxes to 5 email addresses on an eFax account. To update your inbound email address(es) login to your account and go to Preferences then choose Receive Options from the tab.

Send email address(es). You can send from 5 email addresses on an eFax account. To update your send email address(es) login to your account and go to Preferences then choose Send Options from the tab.


37. How do I change my billing information?

To update your billing information please login to your account and click Billing.



38. What is the difference between eFax Free, eFax Plus?

eFax Free is a limited account. When you sign up for eFax Free, you are provided with a non-local number to which you may receive faxes. You cannot send or store faxes with eFax Free.

With eFax Plus, you can choose between a local or toll-free number, you may send and receive faxes, and your faxes can be stored for up to seven days in eFax Message Center. Find out more about the advantages of eFax Plus today!

With eFax Pro, you get all the serives of eFax Plus with the ability to store documents for a year, Voice mail and Papermaster pro software. To learn more about eFax Pro, click here. To learn more about Papermaster, click here.


39. What is eFax Messenger?

eFax Messenger is a free application that you can use to view your faxes. You are not required to download eFax Messenger to view your faxes but if you would like to utilize the application, please visit the download page.


40. How can I sign up for an eFax Plus account?

If you would like to sign up for an eFax Plus account, please go to the sign up page.



41. How much does eFax Plus cost?

To view the pricing for the eFax Plus service, please click here.


42. How much does it cost to receive a fax?

If you have a local eFax Plus number, it is free for you to receive. If you have a toll-free number, please click here to view the pricing for toll-free numbers.


43. How much does it cost to send a fax?

Outbound faxing charges are not included in your regular monthly fee.

They are debited from a separate prepaid balance and your re-order amount is billed to your credit card whenever your usage balance drops below £1.00 GBP.

For full pricing details, please click here.


SPAM Faxes

44. How can I stop unsolicited faxes to my eFax Plus account?

If you believe that you are in receipt of a junk fax, please do the following:

If the fax contains any information that will allow you to unsubscribe, please do so.

If you are unable to unsubscribe, please submit the offending fax to us by clicking: here. We will investigate your complaint and attempt to prevent any further transmission of junk faxes from the same source.


Miscellaneous Questions

45. I already have a fax number. Can I still use the service?

When you sign up for eFax, you are assigned a number that is provisioned from our pool of numbers. If you have an existing fax number that you would like to use, you can have your existing fax number forwarded to your eFax number and still receive all of your faxes to your email.

Please Note: your phone company will need to forward the number. eFax does not offer any forwarding services.


46. How do I scan a document using my eFax account?

You can take a hard copy of a document and move it to your computer using your eFax account. Simply fax the document to your eFax number from an external fax machine. You will receive the document as a soft copy to your email address. You can save the document to your computer or make changes and print it out.


47. How can I cancel my eFax Free account?

To cancel your account, please click here and click on the Live Support button.


48. If I downgrade from eFax Plus to eFax Free, do I get to keep my number?

If you do not want to keep your eFax Plus account, you cannot keep your eFax Plus number. eFax Plus numbers cannot be converted to an eFax Free account. If you would like to use the Free Service, you can sign up for a free account on the eFax free sign up page once your account has been cancelled.


49. How do I uninstall eFax Messenger?

Go to Start, Settings, and Control Panel.

Click Add/Remove programs.

Select "eFax Messenger" from the list and click Add/Remove.

Remove any of the following components that still exist on your system. If you're unsure of how to delete a particular component, try right clicking on it:

Go to "Start", then "Programs" and delete the "eFax Messenger" folder.

On your Desktop, delete the "eFax Messenger" shortcut.

Please restart your computer when you have completed the steps above.



eFax Free FAQ


Viewing Faxes & Account Set Up

1. How do I open my faxes?

Your faxes are sent to you in the form of an email attachment. These attachments are sent to you as .TIF graphic files.

.TIF files can be opened with a program that is already installed on your computer.

Windows 98/2000

Your faxes can be opened with Kodak Imaging a.k.a Imaging.

Windows XP

You can open your faxes with Windows Picture and Fax Viewer.

Mac Operating system

Your faxes can be viewed in Preview.

If you would like to use eFax Messenger to download your faxes, please go here and click the Download Button.


2. How do I download and install eFax Messenger?


  1. To download eFax Messenger, please visit the download page here.
  2. Click on the Download button.
  3. When prompted, click Save and select Desktop as the location of the download.
  4. When the download is complete, locate the file msgrplus.exe on your desktop.
  5. Double-click on the file msgrplus.exe. eFax Messenger will begin to install.

Once installation is complete, the User Information screen will appear. Complete the form with your eFax number and PIN. Click OK.

If you would like your faxes to open automatically in Messenger when you click on them, you will need to associate .TIF files with the Messenger software.

To associate .TIF files with Messenger:

  1. Open an email from eFax and save the .TIF attachment to your desktop.
  2. Right-Click on the attachment and select Open With.
  3. Select Choose Program and click on eFax Messenger.
  4. Check the option that says, "Always use this program to open these files" and click OK.

To download eFax Messenger for Mac:

Go here and click on Download Messenger for Macintosh (efaxsetup3.dmg.) Once efaxsetup.dmg is downloaded, double-click on the file and drag the eFax Messenger icon to your applications folder.


3. Why do I get the error message " Outlook Express removed access to the following unsafe attachments in your email"?

This error is caused by a security setting in Outlook Express 6. To disable the blocking option, please follow the instructions below:

From the Outlook Express menu, click Tools, then Options.

On the Security Tab, uncheck the box that says, "Do not allow unsafe attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus."

Click OK.

For more detailed information, please visit


4. I was sent a multi-page fax but I can only see one page. Where are the other pages?

If you are viewing your faxes in an Imaging application you may only see one page but you can skip through the pages easily. Please find the box on the Imaging toolbar that contains the page number. Simply click the arrows to skip forward or back through your fax.


5. How do I open my faxes on a Mac computer?

Your faxes are sent to you in the form of an email attachment. When you open the file attachment, Preview will automatically open. You will see the first page of your fax in the main window. If you would like to view the other pages click Drawer to view the thumbnails.

If you would like to use eFax Messenger to view your faxes, please go here and click the Download Button.


6. Why did I get the error message "Failed to open document"?

If you received this error when attempting to open one of your faxes, the file may not have been sent through your email properly. If you receive this error, please do the following:

  1. Open the email from
  2. Click Forward and send the email, with the attachment, to an alternate email address. For best results, forward the email to an email address on a different domain.
  3. Once you have forwarded the email, save the attachment to your desktop and open the file once more.

7. Why is the quality of my fax message so poor?

The fax message you receive is identical to what was sent by the sender of the fax. If the quality of your fax is poor, it is likely a problem on the sender's end. Please have the sender resend the fax using a higher resolution on their fax machine, such as Photo Mode.


Receive/Send Faxes

8. How can I receive fax messages from foreign countries?

If someone outside of the country would like to send you a fax, have him or her follow the instructions as follows:

For example

For UK fax numbers: the person faxing you needs to drop the local dialing code of "0" and they need to add the country code of "44".

The number 020 7555 1234 would become 442075551234. They will also need to enter the international dialing code before they enter the number. If the sender does not know the international dialing codes please have them contact their local phone carrier.

If you have a UK eFax Free number that begins 0870, 0871, or 0845, you will not be able to receive faxes from outside of the country. To receive faxes from any international or domestic sender, sign up for eFax Plus.

For fax numbers in SPAIN: the person faxing you needs add the country code of "44".

The number 91 755 123 would become 3491755123. They will also need to enter the international dialing code before they enter the number. If the sender does not know the international dialing codes please have them contact their local phone carrier.

For fax numbers in FRANCE: the person faxing you needs to drop the local dialing code of "0" and they need to add the country code of "33".

The number 01 44 55 12 34 would become 331440551234. They will also need to enter the international dialing code before they enter the number. If the sender does not know the international dialing codes please have them contact their local phone carrier.

If you have a French eFax Free number that begins 0820, 0821,825 or 0826 you will not be able to receive faxes from outside of the country. To receive faxes from any international or domestic sender, sign up for eFax Plus.

For fax numbers The Netherlands: the person faxing you needs to drop the local dialing code of "0" and they need to add the country code of "31".

The number 020 555123 would become 3120555123. They will also need to enter the international dialing code before they enter the number. If the sender does not know the international dialing codes please have them contact their local phone carrier.

If you have a Dutch eFax Free number that begins 084 you will not be able to receive faxes from outside of the country. To receive faxes from any international or domestic sender, sign up for eFax Plus.

For GERMAN fax numbers: the person faxing you needs to drop the local dialing code of "0" and they need to add the country code of "49".

The number (0) 40 55 12 34 would become 4940551234. They will also need to enter the international dialing code before they enter the number. If the sender does not know the international dialing codes please have them contact their local phone carrier.

If you have a German eFax Free number that begins with 01805, you will not be able to receive faxes from senders outside of the Country. To receive faxes from any international or domestic sender, sign up for eFax Plus.

Click here for a table containing other international eFax numbers with similar inbound faxing restrictions.

A table of international dailing codes ia avaible by clicking here.


9. How do I know when someone sends me a fax message?

When someone sends you a fax message, an email is sent to the email address on your account from There is no guessing when you have a fax. When you check your email, you will see any faxes that have been sent to you.


10. Why is my eFax number busy or not answering? (Note: rewrite for each countries site)

If someone is unable to send faxes to your eFax number, please ensure that the sender is dialing the correct number and they are prefacing the number with the required dialing codes. Please remember that most eFax Free numbers can not receive faxes from senders outside of the country.

Click here for a table containing other international eFax numbers with similar inbound faxing restrictions.

If your eFax number is working but a particular caller cannot reach you, the caller may have a problem with their local or long-distance phone carrier. If all else fails, dial the number yourself. If you can connect to the number, all potential senders should be able to connect and send you a fax.

If your number is unreachable from all areas, we may be experiencing a temporary problem. If you are experiencing a prolonged outage that is not listed on our System Status page please contact Customer Service:


11. Can I re-send a stored fax?

eFax Free accounts do not come with storage capabilities. Once a fax is sent to you, it is deleted from the eFax system. If you would like to explore the option of storage, then try eFax Plus. Storage options are one of the many features offered with an eFax Plus account.


12. Can anyone send me a fax or must they be eFax subscribers?

When someone sends a fax to your eFax account they do not need to be an eFax subscriber. Please remember that most eFax Free numbers can not receive faxes from outside of the country.

Click here for a table containing other international eFax numbers with inbound faxing restrictions.

To receive faxes from any international or domestic sender, sign up for eFax Plus.


13. Can I reply to a fax message I received?

Your faxes are sent to your email from If you click "Reply" in the email you received from eFax, the message will be sent back to eFax as undeliverable.

The eFax Free service does not include any sending services.

To send a fax, subscribe to eFax Plus today!


14. Can I send fax messages?

The eFax Free service does not include sending capabilities.

To send a fax, subscribe to eFax Plus today!


15. Someone sent me a fax. Why haven't I received it?

There are a few reasons you may not be receiving your fax messages.

Your email provider is experiencing problems: Occasionally, your email provider can experience problems sending certain files through your email. Because your faxes are sent to your email as attachments, this may cause a problem with delivery. If this problem occurs you can change the email address on your account to an email on a different domain or you can contact your email provider. Once you have changed the email address on your account new faxes will be delivered to the updated email address.

Your fax number starts with 0870, 0871 or 0845: UK eFax numbers starting with 0870, 0871 or 0845 may not be able to receive faxes from senders outside of the United Kingdom. To receive faxes from any international or domestic sender, sign up for eFax Plus.

Click here for a table containing other international eFax numbers with similar inbound faxing restrictions.

The sender has the wrong fax number: Occasionally a sender will send to the wrong fax number. If you have not received a fax you were expecting, please have the sender recheck the number and send it again.


Log In & PINs

16. I cannot login to change my settings.

To login to change your settings go to: .

You'll be asked for your eFax number (starts with international access code, e.g. 44 20 7555 123...) and your PIN. If you do not have your eFax number or PIN, use this link: . Enter the information requested and click Submit. You will be sent your login information in a separate email message.


17. Can you send me my eFax number/PIN?

If you do not have your eFax number and/or PIN, please go to, enter the information requested and click Submit. You will be sent your login information in a separate email message.


eFax Profile & Settings

18. How can I change my PIN?

To change your PIN, please login to your account at and go to Profile, then click on Change PIN.


19. How do I change the email address on my account?

Login to your account at and go to Profile. The email address in your Profile will be used to send both fax messages and general account information to you.



20. What is the difference between eFax Free, eFax Plus and eFax Pro?

eFax Free is a limited account. When you sign up for eFax Free, you are provided with a non-local number with which you can receive faxes. You can not send faxes with a Free number. Nor is any storage available with eFax Free accounts.

With eFax Plus, you can have a local or toll-free number, you may send and receive faxes, and your faxes can be stored for up to seven days in eFax Message Center. Find out more about the advantages of eFax Plus today!

With eFax Pro, you get all the serives of eFax Plus with the ability to store documents for a year, Voice mail and Papermaster pro software. To learn more about eFax Pro, click here. To learn more about Papermaster, click here.


21. Can I get fax numbers for my colleagues?

You can subscribe to as many fax numbers, as you would like using the application below: An e-mail address is limited to 1 eFax-free number.

If you need additional fax numbers we suggest you open an eFax Plus account. Find out more about eFax Plus today!


22. What is eFax Messenger?

eFax Messenger is a free application that you can use to view your faxes. You are not required to download eFax Messenger to view your faxes but if you would like to utilize the application, please visit the download page.


23. How can I sign up for my own personal eFax number?

To sign up for eFax Free, please go to:


24. Can I get an eFax number in my area?

It's as easy as 1,2,3. Subscribe to eFax Plus and you can choose from local numbers in over 1,500 cities around the world. Find out more about eFax Plus today!



25. How much does a personal eFax number cost me?

You will be assigned a non-local number to receive your faxes. These numbers are provided for free. No monthly charges will apply.


26. How much does it cost me to receive a fax message?

There are no charges for your eFax Free account. You can receive an unlimited amount of faxes at no cost to you.

With an eFax Plus account you can also receive unlimited faxes for free, plus you can send and store fax messages.


27. How much does it cost to send a fax message to a personal fax number?

eFax Free does not have an option for sending a fax message.

If you are interested in sending faxes sign up for eFax Plus today!


SPAM Faxes

28. How can I stop unsolicited faxes to my eFax Free account?

If you believe that you are in receipt of a junk fax, please do the following:

If the fax contains any information that will allow you to unsubscribe, please do so.

If you are unable to unsubscribe, please submit the offending fax to us by clicking: here. We will investigate your complaint and attempt to prevent any further transmission of junk faxes from the same source.


Miscellaneous Questions

29. I already have a fax number. Can I still use the service?

If you have an existing fax number that you would like to use, you can have your existing fax number forwarded to your eFax number and still receive all of your faxes to your email.

Please note: Your phone company will need to forward the number. eFax does not offer any forwarding services.


30. How can I cancel my eFax Free account?

To cancel your eFax Free account, please send an email request for cancellation to Please include your fax number and 4 digit PIN.


31. How do I uninstall eFax Messenger?

  1. Go to Start, Settings, Control Panel.
  2. Click Add/Remove programs.
  3. Select "eFax Messenger" from the list and click Add/Remove.
  4. Remove any of the following components that still exist on your system.
  5. If you're unsure of how to delete a particular component, try right clicking on it:
  6. Go to "Start", then "Programs" and delete the "eFax Messenger" folder.
  7. On your Desktop, delete the "eFax Messenger" shortcut.
  8. Restart your computer when you are done.

Special eFax Numbers

The Chart below lists European eFax Free numbers that may not be able to receive faxes from senders outside of the country where the number is domiciled.

 Country  Prefix 
 Austria  0820 
 Belgium  070 
 France  0820 
 Ireland  0818 
 Germany  01805 
 Netherlands  084 
 Sweden  0900 
 United Kingdom  0870 
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